Saturday, January 5, 2019

That One Challenge from Best Friend

1. Do you re-read books? What was the last book you re-read?

Of course I re-read books! Why wouldn't you?? Especially if the world the books take place in are enthralling enough, and the characters loveable enough. The last book I re-read was probably the entire Harry Potter series. Always worth it.

2. What book are you most proud of finishing?

Oh man. Since the most daunting books I've attempted, I've never actually finished or read all the way through from cover to cover, let me just modify this question a bit. Which books, when I finally finish them, will I be proud to say I read?

1. The Three Musketeers by Dumas
2. Tess of the D'urbervilles by Hardy
3. The Bible (I've never read it through from cover to cover.)
4. Great Expectations by Dickens
5. Anna Karenina by Tolstoy

3. What are some of your hobbies aside from reading?

Writing, singing, playing ukulele, playing volleyball, cooking, many things, so little time!

4. What was your favorite read of 2018? Least favorite?

Hmmmmm, least favorite was Anna Karenina which is why I didn't finish it (but I will one day!)

Favorite read was probably the Guernsey book recommended by Best Friend :)

5. Bookmarks or dog-ears?

Anna Karenina is hypothetically bookmarked right now, but I don't actually use bookmarks or dog-ear pages.

6. Who are your read-everything-they-ever-wrote favorite authors?

Francine Rivers (even though I have more to go with her books), Rick Riordan (sooooo good), Robin Jones Gunn (I also have more to go with her books), and I think that may be it. There are some great series I've read by certain authors (like the Harry Potter series, Lunar Chronicles, Jackie Faber series, Wild Magic series, etc) that made me want to read other series by the same author, but the others weren't as good. Has that happened to you before?

I know this is just a drop in the bucket since I haven't posted since last April, but I promise to try posting more regularly this year!