Friday, December 21, 2012

Last Blog Post of 2012 (Most Likely)

Wow!  This year has flown by fast!  I can't believe I've only written 7 posts this whole year, and last year, I wrote almost 7 times that many!!

A lot has happened in my life this year.  Some notable events:
1) I am 30 pounds lighter than I was in January (yay!)
2) I now work as a receptionist at Faith Baptist Church on MWF, and I love it!
3) I work as a babysitter for 3 adorable children and their parents (well, obviously, I don't babysit the parents; just the kids).
4) I am approximately $2,500 more in debt than I was in January (But I have completed 4 more classes toward my Masters degree!)
5) This summer, I took an intensive toward my degree program at Liberty University, and it challenged my view on my expectations in life and in relationships.  Praise God for His conviction and teaching power!!
6) I joined a band!  It's a Christian Rock group called Boomarang Trip.  I love it!  (I wanna see!)
7) I've made a lot of friends this year, and gotten closer to some old ones as well!  Some names that come to mind: Stephanie Short, Tim Kittelstad, Amy Hiebert, Chase Riner, Luke Alcala, Elvis Le, Tyler Volpe, Beka Leonard, and Rachel Leonard.
8) My BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD, Hannah Osborne, is now Hannah Hancock, as of this past May.  Yesssssss :)
9) I have been writing music lately, and I'm in the process of learning guitar!
10) I got a NEW CAR!  No more Buick Century clunker!  I am now sporting a Chrysler Sebring!

Those are just a few things that I'm praising and thanking God for!  He is SO GOOD!