Sunday, November 30, 2014

Being Married

So I've been married for about 2 1/2 months, and it's a lot different than I expected.  I was talking to my sister-in-law about it, and I really do believe people glamourize marriage.  When I was single, I wanted to be married so I could experience constant intimacy and love from a man.  But NEWSFLASH - men are not perfect.  And they can't always fulfill the desires and expectations of women... in fact, they can be pretty bad at it. Lol  

Marriage is about sacrifice and service - CONSTANTLY.  As a single person, I only had to worry about providing for myself and meeting my own needs.  Not so anymore.  

NOW I'm constantly thinking about what to make for breakfast, lunch and dinner that my husband will actually eat; how I'm going to work a full time job, keep the apartment clean, keep the dishes clean, make sure the laundry gets done, AND stretch our meager incomes to pay our bills, buy groceries, and have money left over for things like saving, insurance, and investments... you know, for the future.  

It's exhausting.  I'm exhausted.  And it doesn't help that I've been sick 4 times in the last 2 months. 

Yeah, marriage... it's not about me or making myself happy.  It's about serving.  It's about sacrifice.  It's about denying self.  It's about forgiving.  It's about learning how to function and interact with another human being whose thoughts, interests, and priorities are often vastly different from my own.  It's about maturing.  It's so different from anything I've ever experienced before.  

Without Christ, I wouldn't survive it.  

I'm so thankful He is my anchor.