Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Three Fictional Characters

Okay, so I decided to participate in the social media trend where I pick three fictional characters I feel like depict me in one way, shape or form.

Let me start by saying this was really hard for me, because I don't feel like there have been a lot of books I have read or tv shows/movies I have seen that have characters that are like me, so I don't know.  Whatever.

As I was trying to decide who my fictional characters were, I realized some interesting things.  1) The first character is most like me in elementary school.  2) The second character is most like me in middle school.  3) The third character is most like me in high school.  I didn't plan them that way; it just happened.  Also, ALL three of them have crazy curly brunette hair (like me!)

Anywho, without further ado, here are my three picks:

Ruthie Camden from "7th Heaven"
Ruthie was the youngest of the Camden kids (until her mom got pregnant in Season 3 or something). She was always up in everybody's business and could be kind of a know-it-all.  She also liked for things to be her way.  Basically, she could be an entitled brat, BUT she was positively adorable.  Which was absolutely who I was growing up - the cute little youngest child brat.  Just ask my sisters.  haha

Dorothy Anne Torkelson from the TV show "The Torkelsons"
Dorothy was a shy introvert who ended the days of her crazy adolescent adventures by sitting next to her window and talking to "The Man in the Moon".  Well, I never talked to the man in the moon (because he doesn't exist), but I did journal a lot when I was a teenager, so I felt like I could relate to her pretty well.  Plus, her mom was a single mom trying to do her best to raise her kids, and that was totally my mom too!

Jessie Spano from "Saved by the Bell"
Jessie Spano was super skinny and could dance and sing.  She was like the social coordinator among her friends, and challenged them all to be better at life.  She could also be neurotic and easily stressed out, and it was really important for her to do well in school and get straight A's - high school Christina in a nutshell.  Minus the skinny part.  And the good dancer part. #fatkidsunite #twoleftfeetoverhere #alsoIwearsize11shoes #notconducivefordancing

Well, those are my three choices.  What do you think?  Totally me?  Not me at all?  Is there anyone else you can think of who is similar to me?  Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

An Exercise in Letting Go

I was sitting at my desk at work on Wednesday afternoon, and I was thinking, "How do people with kids live life?  Like, I'm married and have no kids, but I still feel overwhelmed with all of the demands I face JUST FROM work, church, bills, house, and marriage - how do people survive once kids are thrown in the mix?"

It seriously baffled me.

Since Tyler and I have been married, we left Faith Baptist (the church I pretty much grew up in) and started attending Life Church.  Right away, we got involved in their music ministry - Tyler, playing the bass guitar, and me, singing in the choir and on the mic.

We've been attending & serving regularly for a year and a half (I was even promoted to choir director), but during that time, I've only led two songs on the mic, and both of them were on Wednesday nights.  This has been a struggle for me, because ever since we started attending Life Church, I've wanted to lead songs on Sunday Mornings.  The longer we've been going to that church, and the more I've felt like I've had to fight to prove myself vocally, etc., the more stressed I became.

Long story short, about a month and a half ago, a part of me woke up.  "What is the big deal with leading songs at Life Church?" a voice in my head asked me.  (Not like the Schizophrenic kind of voice, but you know what I mean.)

Let me just say - Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.  It's true.  And I decided to find avenues to use my voice that aren't a constant fight or struggle and that don't have me second-guessing my ability/gift at every turn.  So I joined Lakeland Choral Society.  And I committed to singing in the Christmas cantata at Faith Baptist this December.  And my mom and I are singing in a choral performance at the end of September.

So just when one door was closed to singing Christian contemporary music in the way I wanted, another door has swung WIDE OPEN to get back into singing classical choral music - which is something I've sorely missed!  And I know I'll be so busy with these things, I won't even have a CHANCE to miss leading music at Life Church.  And why was I so bent on doing that anyway?  For external validation of my voice?  Man, what foolishness.

Anyway, God is good.  He provides for our needs and blesses us with things that we didn't even know we wanted until it's in our lives!

So back to my initial statement - my life is busy.  My life is full.  With:
  1. All of the aforementioned musical endeavors (Lkld Choral Society, FBC Christmas Cantata, and the September Choral event)
  2. Writing a sequel to the novel I wrote last November (I'm almost halfway done!)
  3. Being a wife & caretaker of my amazing husband (this involves cleaning, laundry, cooking, budgeting, grocery shopping - all things I've never really had to do before being married)
  4. My job - of course.  Full time.  It's a lot.
  5. Being the choir director at Life Church

This list is not all-inclusive, but it highlights the main things.  How would kids fit in there anywhere?  I have no idea.  I'm not saying I never want kids.  I'm just saying, they would be a huge adjustment.  But I'm ready and willing to do what God's will is - if that's to have a child in the next year, I will do it with joy.  If it's to wait a few more years, I'll do that with joy as well.  And if it's not to have any children biologically - He is Sovereign God, and I will abide by His Will.

What about you?  What is God doing in your life?  What has He blessed you with that you didn't even know you wanted until you had it?