Thursday, July 27, 2017

Aforementioned Changes in My Life

Hello again,

In my last post, I mentioned a new part-time job.  Even though, earlier in my post, I had just written that I was still in the same job I've been in for the last 3 1/2 years.  Confused yet?

Let's travel back about 3 1/2 weeks...  *cue the flashback music*

My husband and I have been planning to pay off our debt and buy a house ever since October of 2016, but it's been slow-going.  And whenever I would think about how much a mortgage payment would be and how permanent signing a mortgage is, I would break out in a sweat.  It just didn't feel right to me, and I was dreading it.

One afternoon, Tyler showed me a You Tube (YouTube?) video of a school bus that had been converted into a camper.  At first, I was like, "That's cool...moving on...."  But then I really started to think about it.  One of my best friends lives in a camper with her husband and two children.  It's sooooo much less expensive than a house.  AND it's a project for my husband and me to work on together.  So why not pursue it?  Then, we could travel until we're ready to start having kids - or even after we start having kids.  Or maybe even travel and never have kids - who knows?

All I know is the more I've thought about it and the more we've talked about it, the more sense it makes for us right now.  So that's big change number 1.

Obviously, if my husband and I want to start traveling more, we can't have full-time jobs holding us down, but we need to make enough money to continue paying back my student loans and finance a bus-to-camper conversion and travel expenses for our future life.  Which means eventually, we'll need to get online/virtual jobs.  I wasn't planning on approaching this step until we actually moved in to the camper, but my chance came a little sooner than that.

About two weeks ago, I just put some feelers out there to a financial advisor who I know already.  She has a completely virtual team, and she was looking for additional help.  After I talked to her, it wasn't long before she offered me the job (part-time to start), and I began working for her last week.  In addition to my full-time job.  So you can say it's been a little crazy.  (Big change number 2)

Also, up until a few weeks ago, I was the choir director at my church.  But due to some changes happening recently, there is no longer a choir - hence, no need for me to be a choir director anymore.  Which actually works better for me, because it gives me more time to adjust to these life changes.

LOTS OF CHANGES, Y'ALL!  Oh, and I'm pregnant.

...Just kidding!!!  But that would be pretty crazy on top of everything else, right?  Anyway, thanks for reading this far and loving me (for those of you who do) or tolerating me (for all the rest of you).  Maybe soon I'll write about my recent trip to Vegas and post some pictures.  Yes?  No?

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July New Year's Resolutions Recap

Well, hello there! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I have been going through a lot of changes in my life lately - specifically in the last 3 weeks. So obviously, I didn't post a May or June recap about my progress towards my New Year's Resolutions, and that's because in May and June, there weren't a lot of updates to address. I fell off the weight loss bandwagon, I stopped reading and blogging about it (obviously), and I've been working the same job as I have been for the last 3 1/2 years. Boring, right?

Except let me just get real for a second.  Because I just admitted I wasn't moving forward to any of my goals during the months of May and June.  Which means I was either a) stagnating in my current position or b) digressing (moving away from my goals).  And if I'm being honest, I'm gonna have to go with option number 2.  I hardcore got off the healthy eating/exercise train and gained about 7 lbs.  I started coming home and laying in bed watching Netflix by myself, because it's so much easier than trying to be productive in my life and my marriage.  I started falling back into the old habits that defined me around last October when I realized I needed to begin making changes in my life.

Why is it so easy to go back to the "bad places" in your life when you start to progress toward the "good places"?

And because I was digressing, I began to get depressed.  Something had to change.  I'm going to be 30 this year, and I can't keep "waiting around" for my life to change in the ways I want it to - I need to start acting now.

So my goals are changing from what they were in December.  Out with the old, in with the new.

1) Lose another 20 lbs by my birthday.
2) Finish paying off all debt (besides my student loans) by the end of this year.
3) Become more efficient at my new part-time job (more about that in an upcoming post).
4) Become more spiritually mature in my marriage (this is a very vague goal right now, because I'm not quite sure what this is going to look like, but I'll keep you posted).

So there are my new goals.  I know, I know, I didn't mention anything about being a faithful blogger or writer, but right now, those things are on the back burner.  I might dabble here and there (for fun), but I have so many other more important things to focus on.

Forward & progressing,

Yours Truly