Friday, September 25, 2015

Engagement Pictures in Old Town

Here they are!  Hope you love them as much as I do!  I'll just let the photos speak for themselves...maybe I'll add a caption here and there if I'm so inclined...  (For those of you who hate photos of people may want to get outta here.)

When we first got there to meet up with Sara - look how happy we are!

About to ride the Ferris Wheel!

Wow; I guess we didn't realize how dangerous it could be!

The dip + a kiss = always seals the deal :)

Wait a minute...did we just go Black & White?

This is kinda 101 Dalmatians...amiright?

Tyler's face though...hahahaha

Apparently, he likes what he sees :)

Time for a nap...not!

Awww, what a sweet kiss!  (Ignore the falling debris in my hair. lol)

We make great faces together...

*sigh*  He has the most incredible smile.

Umm...just a bit of us being crazy us!

Probably one of my favorites!

This is the face of someone who's not sure whether or not she is going to get dropped.  haha

Another favorite!

Hey....hey baby!  I wanna know...would you be my girl! (That's a song, by the way.  Look it up :)

I don't usually drive like this, I promise.

Guys, I would never!  (Also, that face - hahaha)

Riding the carousel! :)

Fun times at Fun Spot! :)

Practicing for the wedding reception. Haha

I look so special here. lol

He really does make the best faces!

"Drive like a racecar!"

Sometimes we dance very awkwardly in public...

The wedding date :)

The ring!

Well, thank you to Sara for taking all these pictures - I hope you enjoyed looking at them!  Which one was your favorite?  Do you have any themed engagement photo shoots that you like?  Let me know! :)

What's New, Pussycat, Woah-oo-woah-oo-woah!

If you don't understand the title of my blog post, I feel sorry for you.

If you watched that, then you're welcome.  If you didn't, poo on you.

Anyway, back to me and what's new in my life.  I know, I know, I haven't written a blog post in ages, and I definitely haven't been keeping up with my #30DayChallenges, but I have to say, I did warn you at the beginning, and I'm much better at making plans than keeping them.  Sad, but true.

The first thing I want to say about my life is that I am back on Low Carb, Low Calorie, and I'm determined to lose at least 15 pounds by the end of this year!  I'm calling it my Pre-New Year's Resolution.  I've already lost 5 lbs just by eating less and eating healthier and drinking more water and using this great little APP called My Fitness Pal.  My immediate goal is to lose enough weight to fit back into my wedding dress (and most of my clothes!) - but my long-term goal is to be skinnier and more fit than I have ever been in my adult life, which shouldn't be too hard considering I've never really had a desire to be super fit before.

Okay, on to the next thing.  I need to get serious for a minute.  I don't usually work on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays as many of you know.  So most of the time, I'm at home by myself doing nothing in order to save money.  To be honest, it's been kind of depressing.  I don't make plans to hang out with friends, and more often than not, that just means I stay at home watching Netflix and pretending the people in the shows I'm watching are my friends (kidding, except kinda not).  And when it started, I blamed Tyler.  I blamed him for our financial shortage, I blamed him for not being wild and exciting and interesting and into all the things I'm into - in short, I blamed Tyler for not keeping me content.

And recently, I realized - IT'S NOT ANYONE'S JOB TO KEEP ME CONTENT; CONTENTMENT CAN ONLY COME FROM GOD.  Sorry I just had to All-Caps you guys in the face, but it's true.  Contentment can only come from God.  And guess what?  My prayer life during that time was virtually non-existent and the only time I read the Bible was on Sundays during the preacher's message at church.  It's a wonder I was so depressed and discontent. (sarcasm)

But then, my friend Hannah invited me to a new Bible study the women of Faith Baptist Church were beginning.  The Bible study is centered on 12 women in the Bible, and so far, I am learning SO MUCH from it - it's probably one of the best Bible studies I've ever been a part of.

Then I decided I wanted to try and read the Bible through in a year, because I've tried that a few times, and it never worked out.  However, I've never tried to read the Bible through chronologically.  So I hopped on and did some shopping and found the Reading God's Story: A Chronological Daily Bible.  I ordered it then and there; it arrived on Wednesday, and I'm already a few days in and loving it!

I don't want God's word or my relationship with Him to just be a checklist or a bunch of names and dates on paper, I want my faith to be a living, breathing, full-of-wonder thing.  I want to be the woman of God He created me to be.

So yeah, that's what's new in my life (the most important things anyway).  Also (sidenote), we recently got our Old Towne engagement pictures from Tyler's friend, Sara, so I'll be posting those soon.  Keep your eyes peeled!

Princess Cut - THIS YOU GOTTA SEE!

Let's start this post out with an upcoming event that I CANNOT wait to go to - my cousins, Paul & Sheilah Munger, wrote, produced & directed a film called "Princess Cut."  They screened the movie for my family and I at our most recent family reunion in Tennessee, and I have to say, I thought the movie was INCREDIBLY well-done and had a great Christian message in it.  Watch the trailer here or simply watch the trailer below.

Anyway, so there's going to be a local showing of the movie on Tuesday, October 20th at Eagle Ridge mall at 6:30 PM.  Find out more about the event on Facebook.  There's 16 days left to pre-order tickets, and we need 65 more tickets pre-ordered in order for the movie to be shown.  Pre-order tickets here.

Please buy tickets and support this endeavor to bring more positive, Christian messages into our media!  I hope to see you there!