Friday, March 31, 2017

March Update on New Year's Resolutions

Below are the New Year's Resolutions I made for 2017.  Can you believe 2017 is already A QUARTER OF THE WAY DONE?!  I can't believe it.  I'm turning 30 in less than 7 months, but I don't wanna talk about it.  Anyway, let's get a progress update on my resolution list, shall we?

1) Lose another 50 pounds - As of this past Sunday, March 26, I have completed one month of my 3-month weight loss challenge in which I've lost about 9 pounds in 4 weeks!  Between sickness and back pain, I haven't worked out as much lately, so my exercising has slacked off, but I must have built some muscle, because I can tell I'm still burning fat.  Well, it's at more of a simmer, but still...

2) Pay off all of our immediate debt - Still chugging along!  Even though we're down to about six bills (at least when it comes to paying off debt), they're still the largest chunks, so I'm having the mentality of "slow & steady wins the race" right now.

3) Rewrite Ravensboro - Still no more progress on this.  I'm ashamed to say between work (tax season is here and I work in a tax office), working out, and otherwise being married and being choir director at my church, I haven't had much time to do much else.  Including updating Ravensboro.

4) Finish Harkness - I really can't start on this until Ravensboro is done...  ='(

5) Journal/Blog more - I have SIX more book summaries waiting to be written and posted on my blog, which is awesome, but I've started slacking on the journaling front - unless you count the food journal I'm doing for my weight loss competition.

6) Find out where I should be career-wise - I just got a raise, so I'm sticking where I'm stuck right now.  Hopefully, God will continue to lead me in His will for my career, because I still don't know what to do.  I had lunch with a friend the other day, and we were talking about careers and finding jobs doing what we're good at and love to do.  Obviously, being a writer or working in a church would be preferable, but I have also considered guidance counseling or camp counseling before.  So maybe I'll look into that...

What about you?  Did you have any New Year's Resolutions going into 2017?  How are those working out?

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Summing Up "Afterworlds"

Why I Chose This Book:  During the same BAM trip in which I purchased "DUFF," I found this book for $3.97.  AND DID I MENTION the book has about 600 pages?  WINNING!

Book Rating (1-5 Stars):  I'd give it 4 stars.  I really like the author - his writing is really good, but some things in this book were hard to get through.  For example, some scenes were REALLY creepy, and I'm not down with horror.  Like, at all.  Also, one of the main characters decides that she's a lesbian all of a sudden.  So there's that.

Setting of the Book: It vacillates between Darcy, a YA author living in New York, and Lizzie, the main character of the YA novel that Darcy just finished writing.

About the Author: Scott Westerfeld wrote a series I read before this book called the "Uglies/Pretties" series, and I really liked that series.  I couldn't put it down.  So, of course, when I saw this book, I really wanted to read it.  And, while I don't regret reading it, I don't necessarily know if I'd want to read it again.  Maybe, though.  If I'm bored.

Plot of the book in one sentence:  Each chapter alternates between the story of Darcy in New York editing "Afterworlds" for publications and the actual text of "Afterworlds" in which Lizzie survives a terrorist attack in an airport only to learn she can now see ghosts.

If I Could Rename the Book: Psychopomps, Anonymous  (In the book, Lizzie is referred to as a "psychopomp" which is kind of like a grim reaper.)

Genre: YA Fiction Fantasy

Point of View: Alternates between Darcy (told in third-person limited) and Lizzie (told in first person)

Favorite Character: I really liked Lizzie, despite the fact that she develops a crush on a fellow grim reaper who isn't really that awesome, in my opinion.

Least Favorite Character: Either "The Bad Man" or the other villain in the story (can't remember his name off the top of my head)

Other (Main Characters): 
Darcy - the YA author.  She just graduated high school and moves to New York to edit the novel and begin to write the sequel.
Darcy's sister - can't remember her name either, but she's a 14-year-old math whiz who's also Darcy's best friend and helps her budget the money Darcy earned from getting published
Imogen - Darcy's love interest; a fellow writer (the first chapter of the book she's written is included in the book, and it makes me sad it wasn't continued)
Lizzie - Darcy's main character in "Afterworlds"
Yama - A lord of the dead who visits Lizzie and reveals what she is
The Bad Man - a serial killer who killed Lizzie's mom's best friend when she was eleven; he also murdered 5 other little girls
The Man in the Patched Jacket - the other villain from "Afterworlds" who knits coats from ghosts he chops us (gross, I know).

If the Book was made into a movie, who would play the main characters?  People?  I don't know.  I can't see the characters for this book.

Favorite Scene of the Book: The terrorist attack in the airport.  It's such a gripping scene.

Least Favorite Scene of the Book: When Lizzie meets the man in the patched jacket.

Favorite Quote in the Book: I didn't have one.

Did I like the Ending? Nope, kinda hated it actually.

Which of my friends could I see loving this book? N/A

Which of my friends could I see hating this book? N/A

This book left me feeling: Creeped out a little

How Long Did It Take Me to Read It: I don't even know.  6 hours? 7 hours?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Summing Up "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

Why I Chose This Book:  Because HARRY POTTER!  Hellooooooo...

Book Rating (1-5 Stars):  Hands-down, 5 stars.  I love the Harry Potter series.  It's so easy to read,'s just so great.

Setting of the Book: Mostly Hogwarts (School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in London).  I'm a complete nerd, I know.

About the Author: J.K. Rowling - this is obviously her claim-to-fame series.  She wrote another book about some kind of political something or other in England (also fiction), but the synopsis on the back of the book really didn't interest me.  Also, I'm pretty sure she wrote the first Harry Potter book in her mid-twenties but didn't actually get it published until her early thirties?  Or something like that.

Plot of the book in one sentence:  Harry, Ron and Hermione need to figure out who is opening the Chamber of Secrets and what kind of monster is trying to kill students at Hogwarts.

If I Could Rename the Book:  I wouldn't, BECAUSE it's already such an intriguing title.

Genre: YA Fantasy

Point of View: 3rd person limited (told from Harry's POV)

Favorite Character: Hands-down Hermione.  She's the best, and I'd totally be her friend.

Least Favorite Character: Always Snape.  He's just such a jerk.  Although, I don't like Draco Malfoy either.

Other (Main Characters): 
Harry Potter - the main character (obviously).  In this book, he's just turned 13.  And he's in his second year at Hogwarts.
Ron Weasley - Harry's best friend.  Comes from a poor family (all redheads).  His dad works for the Ministry of Magic, his two oldest brothers have already graduated from Hogwarts, his third oldest brother is a know-it-all rule follower at Hogwarts, his fourth-and-fifth oldest brothers are twins who are constantly causing trouble, and his younger sister is in love with Harry.  lol
Hermione Granger - Harry and Ron's other best friend.  Even though they can't stand her at the beginning of the first book (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), they grudgingly grow to admire and like her.
Albus Dumbledore - The Headmaster of Hogwarts.  He's so wise.  And super beardy.  Seriously.  He has a super-long beard.
Severus Snape - The Potions teacher at Hogwarts.  He is SO MEAN to Harry all the time.
Draco Malfoy - a self-entitled bully who picks on Harry, Ron and Hermione all the time.
I could go on, but I don't want to bog you down with too many Harry Potter characters. lol

If the Book was made into a movie, who would play the main characters? 
It's already a movie, and the characters are spot-on.

Favorite Scene of the Book: There's just so many to choose from!  Probably when Harry has to travel by Floo powder for the first time and ends up in Knockturn Alley instead of Diagon Alley.

Least Favorite Scene of the Book: When the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets confronts Harry and tells him why he/she did it.

Favorite Quote in the Book: "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore (of course, because he's so wise.)

Did I like the Ending? Of course I did!

Which of my friends could I see loving this book? Amy - I know she loves it.  haha

Which of my friends could I see hating this book? Literally no one.  Unless they're a super-duper-Bible-thumping charismatic "Christian" who believes that the devil speaks subliminally through Christian contemporary music and drums.

This book left me feeling: Fantastical!

How Long Did It Take Me to Read It: Who cares - it's HARRY POTTER!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Summing Up "The Mermaid's Sister"

Why I Chose This Book:  Free fiction book about a mermaid on Amazon Prime - of COURSE I'm gonna read it!  *insert girlish squeal here*

Book Rating (1-5 Stars):  2.5 - I seriously can't believe I actually finished it.  I was expecting so much MORE out of the book than what I got from it.

Setting of the Book:  Some mountain village somewhere. Whatever.

About the Author: Don't really care to know.  haha

Plot of the book in one sentence:  Clara and O'Neill, her kind-of adopted brother, go on an adventure to take their kind-of adopted sister, Maren, to the sea on account of her turning into a mermaid.

If I Could Rename the Book: I wouldn't. 

Genre: Fiction

Point of View: First-Person Present

Favorite Character: Probably O'Neill.  Even though he totally leads the reader on throughout the whole book, because you're like, "Who do you like - Clara or Maren?  Just pick one already?"  So it is pretty frustrating.

Least Favorite Character: Maren.  She's kind of a self-absorbed brat.  But I guess many mermaids are that way.

Other (Main Characters): 
Granny (the woman who found & raised Maren and Clara)
Scarff (the man who found & raised O'Neill)

If the Book was made into a movie, who would play the main characters?
This is usually a fun one for me to think about, but I don't really want to associate any of these characters with actors, so I'm not going to do it.  haha

Favorite Scene of the Book:  I mean, the ending was good, so props to that.  It was probably my favorite scene.

Least Favorite Scene of the Book:  Can I say the rest of the book?  Haha.  No?  Well then, probably the scene where the evil travelling salesman burns Clara and O'Neill's wagon so he can capture them and use Maren in his show to make money.

Favorite Quote in the Book: I actually had 3!  There were some good quotes in this book - it's one redeeming quality.
1) "There is no cure for being who you truly are."
2) "You can't erase a thing by not acknowledging it."
3) "One chicken cannot sit on the whole world's eggs."

Did I like the Ending? Yes, it was cute :)

Which of my friends could I see loving this book? No answer.

Which of my friends could I see hating this book? Me. haha

This book left me feeling: Sad that I wasted my time reading it.

How Long Did It Take Me to Read It: On and off again for about 5-6 hours total.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Top 10 Hymns

My friend, Hannah (who has an awesome blog, btw - you should check it out), just made her list of top ten hymns, so I took the time to make mine.  A lot of these have sentimental value attached, so just bear with me while I list them out for you:

10. Amazing Grace -  If Christianity had an anthem, I'm sure this would be it.  But, I mean, if you really think about the words themselves, they are SO AMAZING.  Because of His amazing grace, a wretch like me was saved - how sweet is the sound of that grace!

9. Power of the Cross - I love this song, because the melody accentuates the words so amazingly.  And the emotions that I can pour into this song - whoo.  That's all I have to say about that.  Favorite stanza (even though they're all awesome):

"Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death;
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love." 

8. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - This is one of the most poetic hymns I've ever heard.  I just love it.

7. Old Rugged Cross - I used to sing this hymn in the truck with my dad on Sundays when he would take me to church.  I don't have a lot of fond memories of my relationship with him, but this is one of the best :)

6. O the Deep, Deep Love - This is a "new" hymn, but it's so beautiful.  Just in case you've never heard it, please take a moment and listen.

5. Be Thou My Vision - For those of you who don't know me (or much about me), know this - I LOVE acapella music, and I love singing in harmony.  This hymn is definitely one of my favorite ones to sing acapella.

4. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - The words to this song.  Man.  They make me bawl like a baby.  Or choke up immensely.  All depends on the room and the day.  I actually like the alternative melody to this song.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a listen:

3. Just As I Am - This hymn has been the "altar call" go-to hymn at manyyyyy church services I've been to.  I have it memorized.  And it is challenging, and so convicting too.

2. How Great Thou Art - This song can either be sung acapella as a solo, or as a HUGE choral number with many parts.  I've heard it both ways, and I believe the words are just as powerful either way!

1. I Need Thee Every Hour - Guys.  This song.  Is my favorite hymn of all time (obviously, because I listed it at number one.)  This hymn has the ability to break my heart down ANY TIME I hear it, no matter WHAT is happening in my life when I listen to it.  Favorite version right here:

What about you?  What are your favorite hymns?  Can someone please comment something so at least I know people actually read my blog and this isn't just a glorified online journal?  lol