Friday, September 27, 2013

Life Lately

I know you all are probably sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what I've been up to lately, because I haven't posted anything in a bajillion years! ...Right?  Knew it.

So, first of all, I'm hoping to graduate with my Masters degree in December.  We'll see how that goes.

Secondly, I'm in a band!  It's called House of Alitheia, and we've been together for about 3-4 months now.  We've had 2 shows so far, and we're working on some original music now.  I'm so excited!

Also, for those of you who aren't up on the Facebook or haven't talked to me in awhile, I'm dating this pretty incredible guy named Tyler.  It's pretty official :)
There's more photos, but I'm too lazy to upload them right now :)

Um...I guess that's about it.  I'm still working at the church three days a week, I still love my niece and nephew, and I still wish I had more time to write my stories... :( Maybe one day soon...

So, you can back up off the edge of your seat now.  Oh, and you're welcome. ;)