Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Well, it's summer. And I realize it's been summer now for almost a month and a half, but the summer is just starting to finally creep into my bones...and then I got my seminary extension work in.
Summer over. Boo.
But I am actually left wondering at the place God has brought me from, and this current place God has brought me to. I'm not constantly trying to be happy despite the sin I'm living in. That was two semesters ago and many semesters before that. I'm not trying to find peace and rest amidst emotional turmoil and repeated rejection. That was last semester.
Instead, I'm dwelling in the house of the Lord. Literally everyday. I'm constantly being encouraged by immediate family and God's family. It's a beautiful thing.
Thank you, Lord, for saving me. For bringing me out of my self-made shell of sin. For setting me free from the captivity of fleshly desire. I will never cease to sing Your praises. Amen :-)