Tuesday, June 30, 2015

That Shamu Though ;)

Sea World with this crew. It was fun. I wrote a big long post about it that was riddled with hilarious anecdotes, but my phone deleted it all. I think it may be allergic to humor, but don't quote me on that. :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

This Day...

This day is never-ending.  I am tired.  This weather just makes me want to couch cuddle with my hubby.

Also, last night, Tyler and I went to Chili's with some friends from Life Church and then came back to our apartment so they could see the adorable kitties :)

Well, my friend Brittany brought her laptop with her, and she reintroduced me to SIMS, and you guys... I can feel the addiction already starting in my bones. For real.


*........breathe. ........*

Sorry, guys.

Anyway, cats.  You wanna see how cute they are?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

When in Dallas...

I've been in Dallas, Texas since Monday. Mostly inside due to lots of rain.

I've been attending a financial/investment conference with my boss. It's been awesome.

Why, you ask?

Because Eric Whitacre.

We're leaving tomorrow, and I just can't wait to get home to my hubby and two cats! :)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Busy Busy Bee

I just want to take a moment out of my day to share with you how busy my schedule is going to be this weekend and next week.

First of all, I'm going to Tampa tonight and tomorrow morning/afternoon to attend Living Proof Live with Beth Moore.  Well, I'm not going with Beth Moore of course, because we're not at that level of our friendship yet.  I'm going with my BEST FRIEND Hannah :)  And some other people. haha

Then, tomorrow night, I get to have to go grocery shopping, do laundry and clean the apartment.  Knowing my husband, I will probably need to do some deep cleaning of the cats' litter boxes at some point as well.

On Sunday, Tyler and I are attending LIFE CHURCH (seriously, I love that church so much) and spending some QT together the rest of the day, because I'm going to be out of town ALL WEEK next week for work :/

Monday morning, I get to have to wake up at 3:30 AM (just shoot me - maybe I shouldn't even go to sleep Sunday night) so that my boss can pick me up by 4:15 AM and we can get to the airport in time to make our 6:30 AM flight to Dallas, TX.

I'M FINALLY GOING TO TEXAS, Y'ALL!  I mean, I've been in the Dallas airport before, waiting for a connecting flight, and I've driven through Texas before on my way to New Mexico, but I've never actually been ALL UP IN Texas, if you know what I mean.  I'm seriously gonna be all up in Texas's grill.  It'll be great.

Tuesday - Thursday, I'll be attending workshops and seminars about investments, how to be a better administrative assistant, and marketing at the HD Vest Connect2015 Conference.  By Thursday night, I predict my brain will be the consistency of porridge.  Just wait.

Then, Friday, we're flying back to good ole Florida where I will probably face plant on my own bed in my own apartment, make my husband cook me dinner, and make sheet angels in my sheets (it's like making snow angels, but in a bed. Duh.)

Saturday morning is my friend, Ashley's, baby shower!  Yayyyyyy! Hopefully I will make time to get her a gift before the shower, and hopefully I will remember to go to the shower after the aforementioned week has turned my brain into mush.

So that's my week.  Jealous, anyone?

Oh, and at the conference in Dallas, I get to see President Bush & Eric Whitacre.  Guess which one I'm more excited about!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Four Names People Call You
1- Tina
2- Chrissy
3- Aunt Chrissy
4- Boo Boo

Four Jobs You've Had
1- Server
2- Retail/Cashier
3- Office Manager
4- Babysitter/Nanny

Four Movies You've Watched More Than Once
1- Pretty Woman
2- She's The Man
3- Stick It
4- Sleepless in Seattle

Four Books You Would Recommend
1- Jane Eyre
2- Mark of the Lion Series
3- The Phantom Tollbooth (Love that book.)
4- The Jackie Faber Series

Four Places You've Lived
1- Winter Haven, FL
2- Graceville, FL
3- Dothan, AL
4- Schieder-Schwalenberg, Germany (for about 6 weeks)

Four Places You've Been
1- Niagara Falls
2- Sistine Chapel
3- Germany
4- The Swiss Alps

Four Places You'd Like To Go
1- Australia
2- Greece
3- London
4- The Eiffel Tower

Four of Your Favorite Foods
1- Sushi
2- Spaghetti
3- Ice Cream
4- Chocolate (Yep. I'm a girl.)

Four TV Shows You Watch
1- White Collar
2- Longmire
3- Between
4- Dark Angel

Four Things You're Looking Forward To This Year
1- Family Reunion in Tennessee!!!! :D
2- My One-Year Wedding Anniversary :)
3- Losing Weight (please, please, please, please, please...)
4- Christmas. Every year. Always. I love Christmas.

Four Things You're Always Saying
1- I can't even. (Yeah, I'm that girl.)
2- Seriously.
3- I'm hungry.
4- That sentence has a typo. (I'm a grammar nazi. #sorrynotsorry.)

#WeightLossChallenge #Week1

Well, the exercise challenge didn't really take.  Obviously.  Exercising is hard, y'all.  Seriously.

Anyway, this month is the weight loss challenge which is supposed to be eating healthy & exercising.
Before I get into that, let me just update you about my life real quick.

  • First of all, my hubby lost his job last month.  That put a damper in my exercise sails real quick.  The stress of money makes me want to lay in bed, eat, and watch TV.  But I worked longer days & even picked up two Friday shifts last month.  AND I also did some tutoring.  BUSY LIFE.
  • Secondly, my mom had me take her to the ER this past weekend because she was experiencing some upper back and chest pain.  Luckily, nothing came up in her EKG or blood tests, but that was a late night for both of us.
  • This past weekend, Tyler and I went to the beach with his family.  I tried to eat healthy despite the pizza and carbs that seemed to be everywhere, but it was hard.
  • OH, and let's not forget that I had to go to the doctor's office a few weeks ago due to a *cough cough* that I had developed.  I missed going tubing for my friend, Brittany's, birthday.  It was a sad day.

Needless to say, I'm starting to get a little discouraged.  When I'm not working, I just want to crawl in bed.  And we got another cat.  Did I mention that?  Yeah, and we're keeping JoJo and our new cat in separate rooms until they get to the point where they can look at each other without hissing and growling something fierce.  It's times like this I wish we had dogs.  (Don't say a word, Hannah.  haha)

So that's my latest update on my #30DayChallenge failures.  But there's no way to go but up, right?  Let's hope so.

Hope everyone's having a great day!